Hentai Jones

Prisoners of War

An epic tale of pure female bravery: certainly a movie not to be missed!

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Prisoners of War


Prisoners of War

by Hentai Jones

BookRix Edition 2017

Copyright by Amé



Hentai Jones:




An epic tale of pure female bravery:

certainly a movie not to be missed!



Cover illustration from Pinterest

without a copyright attached!




1 - Childish Games


 Childish Games


»Stop right where you are and put your hands in the air!«, an authoritarian voice bellowed behind me, and when I turned around I saw the young soldier in his camouflage gear with his rifle trained at me: »You're arrested for invading our territory and therefor a prisoner of war!«, the soldier knew the facts and he left me no chance to apologise for my mistake! He was seemingly relieved that I was only armed with an empty basket, the one I had always with me in the forest to collect mushrooms and gather berries - but because I was an enemy I had to be taken away for an intensive interrogation: I could have been a spy or probably a deadly assassin, he explained to me! The soldier had his headquarters in the old bunker up on the ridge and he made it quite clear to me, that if I would try to run he had to shoot me in the back - he left me no choice than to march up the hill in front of him and let him study my naked legs for a while!


In the bunker he pushed me into the corner and pointing his machine gun at me he ordered: »I have to search you for secret messages or hidden weapons, prisoner, if you were to undress by yourself I would be happy, otherwise I will do it gladly for you!« In times of peace I would have reported the bastard to the police, but in times of war everything was legal: the law was abandoned, pillage and rape were the daily delight of soldiers and freebooters alike - and both of them were quite reluctant to leave any witnesses of their coward heroism! The stupid war between the North and the South was still going on hot and every night shells were exploding somewhere in the neighbourhood - a once happy and peaceful life had turned into a deadly Russian Roulette: the survival of the fittest was on again, and women were only used as a distraction from the daily killing! For a woman to take all her clothes off in front of a stranger was now safer than to refuse: to be naked was definitely a much better option than to be dead!


The young soldier was intently watching me as I unbuttoned my white blouse and shrugged it off my shoulders, his eyes grew bigger when he saw my little bra: the cheeky red one with all the white polka dots on it! There was still not much in it and I was hoping, that he would like what he got, but as it turned out: the soldier was now smiling at my little breasts and slyly he put a hand in his groin: I was sure that he planned to ravage me as soon as I was naked! It had to happen sooner or later in this immoral society but I was still dreading the day - I was still carrying the romantic notion in my mind, that making love was a pleasure but rape was a pain in the ass, and I wasn't keen to find out how much it would hurt! Obediently I dropped my shirt and then my polkadot knickers as well - I had to turn around and show the soldier my bum, and then my camel toe too: he was satisfied, that I was clean and instead of raping me he told me to dress again, so he could deliver me to the commander for the first abuse: he was such a coward!


Yung wasn't really a coward, he loved me and would do me no harm - my mother had taken him in after his parents had died in their bombed out house: and of course his father was accused by the communist of being a capitalist to justify the murder! We were playing a lot of silly games together in the forest behind the house, like hide-and-seek and chase-the donkey, but Yung's favourite game was definitely prisoner-of-war - and he was chasing me with the wooden assault rifle he had made himself all through the woods: he was just obsessed with seeing me naked! I was certainly not born to join a nunnery and wasn't ashamed of my body: I was as curious as every girl could be about the mysteries of sex and all that exciting stuff nobody was willing to talk about! And I was determined: if I ever got caught again in the forest I had to defend my virginity more rigidly, I had to take the gun and take the soldier prisoner - then I would search him for secret messages and hidden weapons: I was sure that I would find something on him!


My father had vanished somewhere on the bloody battle fields three months ago and my mother had grown so numb to the whole mayhem that she didn't care about anything anymore: she was just happy whenever she saw us alive again! She was delighted, whenever I brought something edible from the woods to enrich the soup in the pot, and Yung made sure that the firewood never run out - but apart from that there was nothing else to do: the school was bombed to bits and the soccer field riddled with craters, the forest around the village was declared unsafe for kids and the river was now a demarcation zone between the warring parties: the beautiful sandy beaches were spiked with land mines and the dense scrubs along it were bristling with machine guns! Homes were traps too: easily invaded and pillaged for food and sex by anyone with a big gun - too many of my girlfriend had been selected already to serve as a sexual slave and were surely carrying the son of a ruthless killer by now - the best policy was surely to keep on moving!