
Ask More: The Power of Questions to Open Doors, Uncover Solutions, and Spark Change

Ask More: The Power of Questions to Open Doors, Uncover Solutions, and Spark Change

von: Frank Sesno

9,99 €

Verlag: Alpina Publisher
Format: EPUB
Veröffentl.: 03.05.2023
ISBN/EAN: 9785961409239
Sprache: Russisch
Anzahl Seiten: 316

Dieses eBook enthält ein Wasserzeichen.


How to extract information from people with the help of questions. The ability to ask them is a powerful tool that journalists, politicians, and law enforcement officials are professionally proficient in. Thanks to Frank Sesno's book, you will learn how to ask questions in such a way that you get the right answers. The author identifies several types of questions, such as scientific, entertaining, confrontational, suitable for use in different situations. In each chapter, he "invites" specialists - from a nurse from the American hinterland to General Colin Powell. All these people also ask questions that help them do their job and change the world.

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