
Hospitality and Hostility Towards Ukraine

Hospitality and Hostility Towards Ukraine

Inside the Lives of Europe's New Outsiders
1. First Edition

von: Daniel Briggs

42,99 €

Verlag: Policy Press
Format: EPUB
Veröffentl.: 01.03.2025
ISBN/EAN: 9781447373643
Sprache: englisch
Anzahl Seiten: 192

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This book documents the intimate lives of Ukrainian families as they fled their homeland in search of a safe and stable place to stay. It focuses on the lives of 16 Ukrainian families in a small Spanish town near Madrid, and the local families that volunteered to host them despite a lack of state support and a clear EU plan for the refugees.
<p>1. Slava Ukraїni, past and present </p>
<p> 2. Escaping the ‘occupiers’ </p>
<p> 3. “We are not refugees! We are occupiers!” </p>
<p> 4. Work, study and cultural integration </p>
<p> 5. The new hosts, wobbling ‘solidarity’ and strained relations </p>
<p> 6. Pastures new and war sirens old </p>
<p> 7. In search of Slava Ukraїni</p>
Daniel Briggs is Professor of Criminology and Sociology at Northumbria University. He is an experienced researcher, writer and inter-disciplinary academic who uses ethnographic methods to study social problems.
<p>• Provides an in-depth account of hosting Ukrainian families over a period of time, with the use of first-hand testimonies, social media messages, observations and photographs;</p>
<p> • Offers a distinctive ethnographic and intimate depiction of Ukrainian families as they attempt to adapt to a new life in another country;</p>

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