
Israel's National Historiography

Israel's National Historiography

Between Generations, Identity and State
Palgrave Studies on Norbert Elias

von: Alon Helled

128,39 €

Verlag: Palgrave Macmillan
Format: PDF
Veröffentl.: 03.09.2024
ISBN/EAN: 9783031627958
Sprache: englisch
Anzahl Seiten: 180

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<p>The book analyses&nbsp;the development of Israel's national identity through the world of local Jewish Zionist historiography. Inspired by Norbert Elias’ historical and figurational sociology, the book examines the different phases and generations in Israel in light of the collective habitus and the nation-state survival unit, set by Zionism. It does so by putting in relation the intellectual profession of history-writing and the processes of state and identity building. It processually pursues the autonomization of the historiographical field in Israel from its socio-genesis in pre-state Israel to recent decades. By combining together well-established literature on the relations between nationalism and statehood and on the particularity of the Israeli case, the book updates the state of the art and opens new debates on Jewish\Israeli exceptionalism, while shedding light on continuity and change in Israeli statehood vis-à-vis the supposed uniqueness of Jewish history, as reinterpreted and codified by Zionism. As it examines the interconnections between local intelligentsia and politics, the enquiry avails of the sociological concepts of “generation,” “habitus,” “survival unit,” “field,” according to the long-period tradition of research in Pierre Bourdieu, Norbert Elias, Max Weber, and more. This rich sociological conceptualization permits to mirror and contextualize Israel’s national identity with both intellectual and sociopolitical emphases. By situating Israeli historians and their profession on the dynamic crossroads and intersections of academia, politics, and greater society, the study delineates the deep meaning of “Israeliness.”</p>
<p>Chapter 1. Introduction: Israeli Historiography as A Case Study Between Nation and Scholarship.- Chapter 2.&nbsp;Habitus, National Identity and State-building.- Chapter 3.&nbsp;<em>Komemyiut</em>: Pre-statehood and Historiographical Enterprising.- Chapter 4.&nbsp;<em>Mamlakhtyiut</em>: The Silver Platter and Consolidation of Israel's National&nbsp; Habitus.- Chapter 5.&nbsp;<em>Artziyut</em>: No Country Other and The Double-Edged Banalization of Israeli National Habitus in Israeli Historiography.</p>
<p><strong>Alon Helled</strong>, PhD in social and political change, is a post-doctoral fellow and an adjunct lecturer at the University of Turin, Italy. He is specialized in Israeli society and politics from a socio-historical perspective. He is a fellow of the Norbert Elias Foundation since 2018, and a member of various scientific associations of social sciences, politics and Israeli studies.</p>
<p>"Crafted from a blend of scholarly rigor and profound personal insight, this book is firmly embedded in sociological theory while offering a wealth of informative historical detail. An indispensable guide for anyone seeking to navigate the complexities of present-day Israeli identity."<br>
—<strong>Marta Bucholc</strong>, University of Warsaw, Poland<br>
“Alon Helled not only deciphers the double-binds shaping the Israeli-Palestinian configuration: he offers us a mirror that we urgently need to turn towards all our nationalisms, if we are to develop our means of orientation and emerge from the maelstrom, in Palestine, Europe and elsewhere.”<br>
—<strong>Florence Delmotte</strong>, Saint Louis-Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium<br>
"A book for our troubled times, Alon Helled’s intriguing and analytically rigourous investigation of Israeli national identity and historiography is a compelling reading. It brings together detailed research of a very fine-grained kind with an outstanding use of an Elias framework."<br>
—<strong>Liz Stanley</strong>, University of Edinburgh, UK<br>
This book analyzes the development of Israel's national identity through the world of local Jewish Zionist historiography. Inspired by Norbert Elias’ historical and figurational sociology, it examines the different phases of Israel's sociopolitical history in the light of the collective habitus and the Zionist nation-state. It does so by putting the intellectual profession of history-writing and the processes of state and identity building in conversation. By combining the well-established literature on the relationship between nationalism and statehood and on the particularity of the Israeli case, this book opens new debates on Jewish\Israeli exceptionalism, while shedding light on continuity and change in Israeli statehood vis-à-vis the supposed uniqueness of Jewish history. As it investigates the interconnections between local intelligentsia and politics, the enquiry avails of the sociological concepts of “generation,” “habitus,” “survival unit,” “field,” in the tradition of Bourdieu, Norbert Elias, Max Weber, and others. By situating Israeli historians and their profession on the dynamic crossroads of academia, politics, and greater society, this study delineates the deep meaning of “Israeliness.”</p>
Provides a theory-guided history of Israel organized around a long-term narrative Uses Elias’s sociological theorizing and Bourdieu’s field theory to examine the process of state-building in Israel Adds to the scholarship on intellectual and academic history beyond Western Europe
<p>“In a historical moment such as the period beginning with 7 October 2023, characterised by dramatic events in the Middle East and a rise in intolerance globally, a work such as Alon Helled's, which aims to scientifically reconstruct, analyse and explain the processes and reasons underlying the formation of the Israeli collective identity, is important and welcome.” (Prof. PhD. Adele Bianco, Department of Philosophical, Pedagogical and Economic Quantitative Sciences University, Italy)<br>
“Alon Helled not only deciphers the double-binds shaping the Israeli-Palestinian configuration: he offers us a mirror that we urgently need to turn towards all our nationalisms, if we are to develop our means of orientation and emerge from the maelstrom, in Palestine, Europe and elsewhere.” (Florence Delmotte, Faculty of Economics, Social and Political Sciences and Communication Saint-Louis, Université Catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain), Belgium)<br>
“A book for our troubled times, Alon Helled’s intriguing and analytically rigourous investigation of Israeli national identity and historiography is a compelling reading. It brings together detailed research of a very fine grained kind with an outstanding use of an Elias framework.” (Prof Liz Stanley, Professor Emerita of Sociology, School of Social and Political Science, The University of Edinburgh University of Edinburgh, UK)<br>
“Rarely does an author find themselves lamenting the relevance of their work, yet for Alon Helled, the heightened international importance of the subject of Israeli national identity is far from a cause for celebration. As we witness the agonizing escalation of conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, there is an urgent demand for a book that unravels the intricate threads of historical narratives that have woven the fabric of Israeli national identity and statehood. Crafted from a blend of scholarly rigor and profound personal insight, this book is firmly embedded in sociological theory while offering a wealth of informative historical detail. An indispensable guide for anyone seeking to navigate the complexities of present-day Israeli identity.” (Marta Bucholc, Professor of Sociology, University of Warsaw, Poland)<br>
“Alon Helled’s "Israel’s National Historiography: Between Generations, Identity and State" provides an original discussion of the interplay between national identity and individual personality structures. By deploying insights from Nobert Elias’s process sociology in a highly creative manner, he analyses with unusual depth how successive generations of Israeli historians navigated the complex interdependencies between their identity as citizens of Israel, their conception of the national character of the Israeli state and the wider geopolitical context of that state as their main survival unit. In the process, the author makes a fundamental contribution to a better understanding of not only the Israeli state, its history, contradictions and current predicaments, but also those of the wider region.” (André Saramago, University of Coimbra, Portugal)<br>
“Alon Helled’s balanced account of Israeli state formation and the way historians&nbsp;have shaped Israel’s national identity is extremely relevant just now.” (Helmut Kuzmics, Institut für Soziologie, University of Graz, Austria)<br>

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