Wilson McCandless, John Quincy Adams

Ex-President John Quincy Adams in Pittsburgh in 1843

Published by Good Press, 2021
EAN 4064066099589

Table of Contents


Mr. Adams:

I have been deputed by my fellow-citizens, of all parties, to bid you a hearty welcome to this city. I have been directed, Sir, to tender to you the hospitalities of the people, and of the corporate authorities of this, and of our young, but flourishing, sister of Allegheny.

We have not strewed flowers in your path, nor erected triumphal arches at your approach, but greet you with the homage of grateful hearts, as evinced in this spontaneous outpouring of the people. Here, Sir, is the token of that universal regard in which you are held by the free citizens of this great country. And here, Sir, you have the reward for a long life of meritorious public service.

What can be more endearing to the heart of the patriot, than this exhibition of public sentiment; than this manifestation of love for your person, and admiration for your exalted talents and virtues. Like the son of Marcus Cato, you have been a foe to tyrants, and your country's friend, and that country now tenders to you the tribute of her affection and gratitude.