Suzann Dodd

The Jamaican Lottery Scam

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80331 Munich


It was, and is, a rather simple trick.


A phone call arrives from Jamaica claiming that you have won the Jamaican Lottery. After the excitement wanes at how much money you are about to get, you are advised the you must pay taxes on your prize. You must send a certain amount to Western Union, to a certain name. Upon receipt, your winnings will be transmitted.


Living in America, receiving a phone call from a Fourth World country like Jamaica, the first sense is a bit of complacency. After all, how could anyone in a minor country like Jamaica think to fool an American?


The potential victim might pose a question, ‘how did you get my number?’ and to that, the word ‘random’ is tossed into the mix.

And the thought is, of course it had to be random, how would a Jamaican know about Nebraska? or Illinois?


Those who might state; “I never entered the Lottery!” will be told it was a a matter of numbers. That ten numbers were drawn and that their phone number matched those ten numbers.





Only losing. And losing again. Until there is nothing left to lose.

How the Scam was born and continued to exist is the basis of this short book.