Suzann Dodd

What's a Narcissist?

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80331 Munich


There will not be much psycho-babble to confuse and distract.   There will not be a ream of explanations, justifications, and academic discussion.   


This is a book of warning.   A book of information to help you avoid those people are easily defined as Narcissist.   You need to know who they are, what they intend to do, and how to protect yourself.


Don't think Narissists are beautiful powerful people;the majority are not.   Most are sub average in appearance, in achievements, and intelligence.   To mask their strong sense of being inferior they create a fantasy self which strides into the world to manipulate and abuse.   Being able to manipulate and abuse is their pleasure.   It makes them feel better about themselves.


To destroy your relationships, to misdirect your feelings, to get you to do or say or believe what they are promoting,  is their victory.   


This book is how to identify them.   And how to avoid them.