curtis L fong

Product 9

It is The Evolution of Mankind

BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
80331 Munich

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The American government felt. That, The United States government ran intelligence agencies were becoming too complacent. They weren't evolving quite as fast as they should. They couldn't keep up with the times. Because of too much government regulations and They were bound by too much red tape. The President of The United States, The American political system and The American government decided to try an experiment. They would through strict background checks source out to The American public. They would allow big business in America to form and to run their own spying intelligence agency. One of the first such companies was IntelMax. They were one of the pioneers of such a business venture with the help of The United States government funding and private sector funding. After, Many man hours  of research. They came up with the final solution Product 9.        

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