Donna Crane Edwards

February Forge Volume 3

The drama is real

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81371 Munich

Entry One

"I am still beautiful. I am still desired. I am still a woman," Lemon found herself staring in her mirror more often each night after putting her three children to bed. Life at home became bittersweet as she lost contact with the world outside of her mother-in-law and her parents who were growing old and frail. "This is not what I thought it would be, " she told her mom one Friday afternoon. Lem had not seen much of Mick lately. He worked longer hours and by the time he came home; if he came home. she was already sound asleep. 


She often wondered why he never tried to wake her. She longed to discuss the business and how things were going. If he spoke to February about staying on as a nurse practitioner. She missed being held and although she shied away from her husband in the past, she often wondered why he had not attempted to touch her in the past seven months. It was as though the love they once had was just gone. "Sue you are worrying for no reason" her mom reassured her. "Your father was the same way when you were born and it was not until you reach middle school before we were close again. Your father felt strange touching me around you guys but eventually we were okay. Don't your worry about it because children change the family dynamics some good and others bad".


All in all, her mother's words only made her feel worst. Lemon had the strangest feeling that something was going on with her husband. "If you look for trouble and find trouble, then what?" her mother said. "You can not stop a man from doing what he will do, so do not waste your time looking for trouble you can not stop?" "Mom, I do not want to lose my husband." Lemon began to regret allowing her husband the freedom of sleeping with Sara. She had hoped it would make him understand that she was okay with him fulffilling his sexual desires but she needed him too and he wasn;t even mentally available anymore,


"I told you not to marry him" my dad stated. "You cannot expect customs, family values, and manners in a country that hates its citizens!" Father's words frightened me so much. I hoped my love for Mick was enough but I was never 100 percent sure. I could call and ask February what is going on and maybe she could keep an eye on him. `Sounds insane' but I could not help but dial the number. "Fallen Family Medicine, Sara speaking how may I assist you?". "Good morning Sara this is Lemon, please transfer me to February". "Oh hello Dr. Fallen, please hold". "Thanks".


"February Forge speaking". "It is me Lemon Febby how are you?". "Good morning Lem, how are the babies doing?" "Good. Feb can you come out to see me Friday after work?" I need to speak to you it is important". There was an eery moment of silence. "Let me check my calendar please hold".


Feb just stared into space for a minute. `What in the world could Lem want with her? Dang.' If Sara or Mick told her a lie. Feb took several deep breaths then got back on the phone. "Hey, Lem how about Saturday morning?" "Sounds good to me" Lem stated. "Let us meet in the city okay?" "No problem". "Say 10:00am maybe Mick can meet us too". "Sounds good". Feb tried to sound thrilled but she  had a sinking feeling.