Hentai Jones

Geisha Boys

A spicy gay geisha story to honour the Japanese artist Hideki Koh!

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Geisha Boys



Geisha Boys

by Hentai Jones

Bookrix Edition 2016

Copyright by Amé



Hentai Jones:




A spicy gay geisha story to honour

the Japanese artist Hideki Koh!




1 - The End of Innocence


The End of Innocence


Aiko was a beautiful girl and she knew how to cook and to clean, she was the daughter of our neighbours and she came over every weekend to get our household up to scratch again and to cook us a fine meal. My mother had run away a year ago with a prosperous businessman from Sapporo, she wasn't that sort of woman who puts up with poverty easily - and like me she had got sick of the fishy odour, which practically clung to everything. Aiko had big almond eyes and a cute little mouth, pouting like a red love heart, she was about my age, and with the money she was earning for her service she paid for her schooling. She knew everything, and it was hard for me not to suffer under my stupidity: as a son of a fisherman all I knew was about tides and nets, about fish and their value on the market. Aiko instead was able to read and to write, she knew about poetry and literature, and sometimes it seemed to me that she knew the whole world!


The island of Hokkaido was from volcanic origin, she had taught me, that was the reason why there where hot springs popping up everywhere! As the most northern district of Japan it was also the coldest part of the country and got a lot of snow in winter, and there was nothing more exciting than a hot bath outside when it was snowing! The old onsen spa behind the few houses at the beach road was practically abandoned and only used by us kids those days: it was the ideal place to meet with my friend Kenji and to spy at each other's private parts to satisfy our growing curiosity! His dick was certainly bigger than mine and it was sitting on a neat bush of black pubic hair - to my nagging disappointment my groin was still hairless and smooth, and my dickel could only measure up with his when he touched it under water. He liked to play with it and I didn't mind: he was my only friend and didn't want to bore him with silly inhibitions - and if he wanted to give me pleasure without asking for the same I would be a dupe to refuse!


I actually liked the explosive feeling when my little volcano was erupting between my legs and the white lava was floating up to the surface of the hot bath like spawn - I had tried to do it myself but the pleasure wasn't the same: the excitement was missing! Only when I was imagining Aiko without her kimono I was successful, but I felt so guilty about it that I was ashamed, and to my frustration my imaginations about her naked body were rather clumsy and probably paid her beauty not the respect it would earn! Many times I had tried to invite her to the spa with me to verify her shape and to improve my fantasies, but she was a little lady with principles - on the other hand she was growing more and more eager to study my anatomy. Aiko knew everything about sex too, and I didn't even know how fish had sex! She had great ambitions and was planning to study medicine, and she explained to me that babies were made with sperm, which was injected into the vagina by the penis - I thought that she might be joking!


My father Yamoto had an old leaking boat and as his only son I was his deck hand, but the business was getting worse from year to year: there were too many fishermen in the little village of Yoichi and not enough fish left in the Ishikari Bay! From day to day Yamoto grew more and more frustrated, and when his old boat sunk in a freak storm two months ago he gave up and turned to drinking and gambling. I was not unhappy about the loss of the boat: I hated the smell of dead fish, and I was hoping that I would get a chance now to got to school like the other boys did - but it wasn't to be so! Our wooden beach house was falling in utter disrepair and the tiles dropped from the roof, Aiko wasn't coming anymore to clean up, the kitchen was a mess and there was not food left in the pantry - first I tried hard to keep it all together, but then I gave up too! Father only came home in the middle of the night, uselessly drunk, and he slept the whole day in his clothes, and when I was begging him for a bit of money he got extremely angry!


Aiko and I were sitting on the pier on Saturday, trying to catch a fish with the rod, but there was not much more to pull up in the harbour that the occasional stinkfish or a rotten boot - she was extremely sympathetic with me in my dire situation and always brought me some rice cakes to quieten my growling stomach. We were talking a lot like adults about love and marriage and about having children, Aiko told me that she could ask her parents to let me live with them, something I knew would never happen. Whenever I was with her I was nervous because I loved her, and I was sure that she was loving me too, but we missed the courage to tell each other! The summer was hot and we were both sweating under the sun, but when I suggested that we could go for a swim to cool down she wasn't interested - although Japan was completely surrounded by oceans most of its inhabitant were actually unable to swim, a task I best had to learn first before climbing on a leaking boat with my drunken father if I wanted to survive!